Hannah (she/her) is passionate about facilitating reflective practice and evidence integration to support therapists in their work with children and families. Hannah completed her PhD in Occupation and Rehabilitation Sciences through Colorado State University – her research focused on reflective practice and nature-based occupational therapy. Prior to that, she graduated from the University of Illinois in Chicago with a Master of Science in Occupational Therapy and was a pediatric fellow in the Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities (LEND) program at Oregon Health & Sciences University. Having grown up hiking and playing outside in the Pacific Northwest, Hannah’s favorite intervention approach is nature-based occupational therapy. She has practiced on farms, in parks, at summer camps, and using hippotherapy. Hannah transitioned to a focus on program evaluation as a source of evidence for practice through her work with Tracy Stackhouse at Camp Jabiru, a program run by The Sensory Gym in Australia. Outside of work, Hannah’s favorite occupations include going on walks with her family and reading in her camping chair.

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